Sunday, May 26, 2013

Organic strawberry planting

Go and buy a hanging strawberry plant and take care of it at home, i am sure in a period of few months you will more than compensate for the money you put in since you will constantly get a good number of tasty organic strawberries straight from your patio. Wish you a happy gardening. , following which we noticed so many new flowers and strawberries coming up in our plant. We harvested our first ripen strawberries two weeks ago. We got 3 really tasty strawberries in our first harvest. Then that number went up to 4 new strawberries this last week. This week also it looks like about 4-5 strawberries are on its way to be suitable for plucking. Apart from really getting strawberries off of your plant that you can eat, its a pleasure to take care of the plant and see it growing. The beauty of these red strawberries growing on the plants itself is such a relaxing site to our eyes. So our suggestion to all those who are interested in gardening: Go and buy a hanging strawberry plant and take care of it at home, i am sure in a period of few months you will more than compensate for the money you put in since you will constantly get a good number of tasty organic strawberries straight from your patio. Wish you a happy gardening. 


  1. Nice Priya. My question is : Is organic way of plantation makes a difference in outcome?

    1. Thanks!
      Ya,It does!
      Firstly, if you taste organic food and those using harmful chemical fertilizers, organic food is much tastier!
      Also, after plucking fruits from plants, they stay fresh for longer.
      And of course, you are not taking in harmful chemicals, pesticides into your body which means you are healthier! :)
